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Meet the Comic Guardians
Blue Falcon (Mike)
A personal comic book collector for almost 40 years. I began collecting comics in 1977, when I purchased my first comics at a flea market in California while serving as a member of the Air Force. During one of the visits I purchased an Overstreet Price Guide, which provided me a new appreciation of comics and the journey I was about to embark upon.
What started as a hobby to help pass the time during deployments, developed into a life long legacy comprised of a collection of roughly 25,000 comics and a variety of collectibles.
Throughout the past 40 years, I have visited comic book stores quite literally all over the world. Gaining a vast knowledge of both comics and collectibles.
Now I look forward to beginning the next step in my journey by being your Comic Guardian at Heroes Wanted.
NightWalker (Matt)
Being born into the comic book collecting world, I received my first comic at a very young age and have been fascinated by the art and stories since that time.
Stayed true to collecting throughout my early youth and began a serious collection with the purchase of my first "true" superhero comic "Plastic Man". While honing my skills as an artist, focusing most of my art to include superheroes and comic related themes.
Since then my collection has grown to include a variety of titles, with a focus on independent titles, which provides a greater quality of art and storytelling not hindered by mainstream marketplace.
In addition to my comic collection, I have built an exclusive and unique assortment of collectibles.
Upon my retirement from the Air Force, I am trading one shield for another, as I take up my post as a Comic Guardian at Heroes Wanted.
Legacy (Andrew)
From a very young age, I was thrust into the world of comics. Spending countless hours/days sitting on the floors of comic book stores, reading/learning about the Gods of DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, and others alike. Other kids went to see the latest Disney movie, I went and saw Batman, Indiana Jones and Star Trek.
As time continued, so did my appreciation of the stories, our modern day mythology. An avid reader, I enjoyed as these legends unfolded before me week after week. And that fascination has never ceased.
Through my travels across the country and the world, I have always made it a point to introduce others to the world of superheroes through whatever medium they are most familiar, whether Movies, TV, Comics, Novels, Apparell, etc.
Continuing with that tradition, I look forward to being a Comic Guardian at Heroes Wanted.
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